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Weacast development

Weacast API is mainly powered by Feathers (version 5.x). Weacast demo app is mainly powered by Quasar on the frontend side (version 0.13.x).

If you are not familiar with those technologies and want to develop for Weacast, in addition to read the dedicated documentation, I recommand reading Indeed, Weacast application demo is a template web application initially based on the Quasar wrapper for Feathers, while Weacast plugins/modules are Feathers plugins.

Setup your environment


Install Node.js

Node is a server platform which runs JavaScript. It's lightweight and efficient. It has the largest ecosystem of open source libraries in the world.


In order to be able to switch easily between different versions of Node.js we recommand to use a version manager like n/nvm under Linux/Mac or nvm under Windows.


At the time of writing Weacast modules v2.x (master branch) are expected to work with Node.js 16.x and Weacast modules v1.x are expected to work with Node.js 12.x

Install Git

git is the version control system most frequently used in open source. There are many resources available for installing it.

Install MongoDB

Mongo is an open-source, document database designed for ease of development and scaling.


At the time of writing the Weacast modules v2.x (master branch) are expected to work with MongoDB 4.x and Weacast modules v1.x are expected to work with MongoDB 3.x

Install Yarn

Due to some changes in the way npm manages linked modules we prefer to use Yarn as a package manager.

Install Yarn on your platform.


While it is a WIP and not yet pushed to NPM, or when developing, please use the following process.

First clone and install the Weacast monoreo, lerna will link all modules together:

// Clone and link the modules
git clone
cd weacast
yarn install

Then clone and install the Weacast demo app repository:

// Clone and link client to weacast app
git clone
cd weacast-app
yarn install



Running for development

Run the server-side app (from weacast/packages/api project folder): $ npm run dev

Then run the frontend app (from weacast-app root project folder): $ npm run dev

Then point your browser to localhost:8080.

Building for production

Build the server-side app (from weacast/packages/api project folder): $ npm run compile

Then build the frontend app (from weacast-app root project folder): $ npm run build.

This generates a dist folder to be copied into the weacast/packages/api root project folder.

Running in production


Make sure you built your app first

Run the server-side app (from weacast/packages/api root project folder), this will also serve the frontend app : $ npm run prod

Then point your browser to localhost:8081.

Running test

Run the server-side tests (from weacast root project folder): $ npm run test This will lint and fix issues in the code according to JS standard, then execute tests using Mocha and compute code coverage using c8.


Use Chrome DevTools.

Testing Docker images

Because Weacast API and demo application are also released as Docker images, you can build it manually like this in development mode (i.e. with all modules linked to their master branch version):

// API
cd packages/api
docker build -f -t weacast/weacast-api:dev .
// Demo application
cd weacast-app
docker build -f -t weacast/weacast:dev .


The demo application image depends on the weacast API image so that the build order is important.

Then test it like this:

// API
cd packages/api
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d
// Demo application
cd weacast-app
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f up -d

You can release it manually if you'd like as current dev version to share progress with others:

docker login
docker push weacast/weacast:dev

However, our Travis CI should build the development images for you as you commit


When building the image all modules are retrieved from their respective repository (master branch), only the local source code of the demo web app is pushed into the image.

This requires you to have a DockerHub account and be a team member of the Weacast organization, if you'd like to become a maintainer please tell us


Weacast plugins are Feathers plugins, so you will find most of the required information in the linked Feathers documentation.

Running tests

To run the module tests including linting and coverage : $ npm run test

To speed-up things simply run the tests with: $ npm run mocha

To speed-up things even more run a single test suite with: $ npm run mocha -- --grep "test suite name"


Modules and plugins

We rely on Lerna to handle the publishing process, including version number update, changelog generation based on conventional commits, etc. It should take care of updating the version of all dependent plugins to the latest version published. Use the following command:

// Your GitHub authentication token
export GH_TOKEN=xxx
yarn run publish


This requires you to have a NPM and GitHub account and be a team member of the Weacast organization, if you'd like to become a maintainer please tell us.

Docker images

Because Weacast API and demo application are also released as Docker images, you can build it manually like this in release mode (i.e. with all modules linked to their latest version):

// API
cd packages/api
docker build -t weacast/weacast-api .
// Demo application
cd weacast-app
docker build -t weacast/weacast .


The demo application image depends on the weacast API image so that the build order is important.

Then release it as latest version:

docker login
docker push weacast/weacast-api
docker push weacast/weacast

And tag it (version_tag being the current version number like 1.1.2)

docker tag weacast/weacast-api weacast/weacast-api:version_tag
docker push weacast/weacast-api:version_tag
docker tag weacast/weacast weacast/weacast:version_tag
docker push weacast/weacast:version_tag


This requires you to have a DockerHub account and be a team member of the Weacast organization, if you'd like to become a maintainer please tell us

However, our GitHub CI should build the images for you as you push the tag of the release